Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend back home

Wow, how did this weekend go by so quickly?! John, my brother Joey, and I drove down Friday night to celebrate my Nana's 78th birthday. We didn't get in until late, so Joey went straight to bed and John and myself stayed up to wait for my mom to come home from dinner. She brought us yummy Italian food. I ate my body weight in white pizza and marinated roasted red peppers.

Saturday, I went to use a Groupon I bought for a microdermabrasion. Honestly, I'm bummed. It doesn't look like my skin is any different. I'm happy I bought it for 60% off. Another thing that stunk was I couldn't run all Saturday because I couldn't perspire for 24 hours! I wish I had known, but that meant I had to miss a run and did not make my weekly mileage. I haven't missed a run in nearly a month and I hated having to do it, especially since my face looks no different than before. Instead of running then, I came home to bake. I made Quinoa, Apricot, and Nut clusters (link) and Low Fat Lemon bars. The cookies were good like the last time, but the lemon bars were not that great, hence no link posting (not worth sharing!).

After a great dinner with my Nana, Uncle Steve (in town from LA), John, Joey, and my mom, we headed to the 6th and I Synagogue to see Michael Showalter. I have loved him for about 5 years now and I was sooo excited to see him. It wasn't a stand up show so much as a book tour show, so it wasn't as great as I was hoping. I still loved being in the same room as him.
This morning, I continued my Sunday morning ritual of watching CBS Sunday Morning. Yes, that requires me being up at 9 am (even after a night of alcoholic beverages)....quite the feat! I also believe I am the only person under 65 watching it. I have loved it for years and I learn something every Sunday watching it. Charles Osgood is my favorite and I enjoy my 1.5 hours with him every Sunday morning.
Thanks for the stories, Charles!
Followed my brain-growing show with 18 miles run. I knew the place I run at home is hillier, therefore I would have to slow down, but man, the end of the run was touuuuuugh. I didn't bring any food to eat, so by the end, I was struggling. Still got them done and I will be happy to stretch myself in yoga tomorrow!

My Garmin's data. The hill at the end killed me!
Okay, I'm off to finish watching the Oscars. So far, not as fun as I was hoping. Happy end of weekend, everyone!

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