Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Introduction to Runner with an Appetite

Well hello to all! This is my new exercise/foodie/life blog and I am really excited about this! I figured I ought to start off with a recap of who I am and why I am starting this.

Name: Rebecca Schaefer
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Occupation: Project Manager at small advertising agency
Significant other: His name is John and we've been dating for about 3.5 years. He's a pretty good guy :D He doesn't understand my crazy running, but is super supportive. He also enjoys the fruits of my labor when it comes to cooking and baking.
Fun Fact: I am a recent college graduate of Drexel University
Favorite food: cheesecake

I may have run the Marine Corps
Marathon dressed as
Lady GaGa...It was Halloween!
Okay, so those are stats, but what about the title? Let's go with the first part: runner. I've been a runner for nearly my entire life. My mother said in preschool, I used to beat everyone in the short races we would hold. I joined a local track club in 5th grade and ran off and on until high school. I ran cross country and track all four years of high school (was captain my senior year!), doing the 5k in cross country and the 800 m, 4 x 800 m, 1 mile, 2 mile, 100 m and 300 m hurdles, shuttle hurdle relay and pole vault in track. I started attending Drexel University in 2006. I joined the Drexel Track Club and raced 5ks and 5 milers. Spring of my Freshman year, our track coach suggested I train for the Philadelphia Marathon that fall. At first, I thought he was joking; he was not. The gears started turning in my head and from then on, I haven't looked back. I've run 3 half marathons, 3 marathons, a 12 hour ultramarathon, a 24 hour ultramarathon, and countless 5ks since. Running is truly a passion and something I (not always, but usually) love doing.

Running in the BOMF 24 hour race
The second part of the title is "appetite." Why is this? It is due to my undeniable love of food and the preparation of food. I was probably the only middle schooler who rushed home from school to watch the Food Network. I have baked from middle school on and have gotten pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. Once I came to college, I had to learn how to cook to survive and still enjoy doing so. I go on recipes sites nearly daily, constantly searching for new things to cook. I try to eat healthfully, so I try to eat a diet low in bad things and high in good things. I always say if there was a Jeopardy about food, I would probably win because I am constantly absorbing new foodie information. Wanna challenge me? I wouldn't. :P

Yummy cupcakes!
So why am I writing this blog? When I read other people's blogs, I can sense their excitement for what they choose to write about. Whenever I read other healthy eating/foodie/exercise blogs, I always can hear the inner voice of mine eager to also discuss food, running, and my experiences with them both. I'm eager to document my life through running and food and hope you can enjoy it, too!

I also have a strictly running blog that you can find called Yes, I enjoy running this much. I am hoping to mesh the two into this one, but for right now, if you're interested in my previous running escapades, that will be the blog for you!

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