Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Karma and BBQ Pork Chops

Friday, after hanging out with some friends at Drexel, John and I hopped in a cab back. Even though we were coming back at around 2 am, we were both not intoxicated. We decided to grab some Chinese late night (seeing as I live 2 blocks from Chinatown and late night Chinese tastes amazing, even sober). When I went to grab my wallet when the check came, my wallet was gone. I was so upset, but knew that I had left it in the cab. I cancelled my credit and debit cards and sadly anticipated the awfully long line at the DMV I would have to wait in. But sometimes, the world is filled with nice people with good hearts. I came into work today to have an e-mail and voicemail for a co-worker. The cabbie, DJ, found my wallet and tried contacting my bank. The bank wouldn't give him any information, so he searched in my wallet and found some business cards of my co-workers (I put them in there after my interview). DJ left 3 of them voicemails saying he had found my wallet. I was able to reach him and he is going to bring me my wallet tomorrow! He could have easily taken the wallet, thrown it out, given up on finding me, or done nothing. Instead, he knew how much it would mean to the person's wallet and worked hard to get it back to me.

It is easy to watch the news and read the newspaper to find awful stories (even just today) and become bummed about the world. It's people people like DJ that remind me that there are good people in the world. I am so thankful that he was a good human being. I'd like to think that my choice to do the right thing in most instances has something to do with it, but I will definitely be doing my best to pay it forward.
For dinner, I had pork chops in the fridge waiting to be cooked. I needed a recipe, so I made some Baked BBQ Pork Chops (link). It was easy and delicious. Next time, I'll put foil down first because the pan will be difficult to clean. I made it with some oven roasted broccoli and brown rice. Healthy and delicious!

I really hope I can get my camera to work soon. Even though my Google Search pictures are awesome, I'd love to put up my own to personalize this blog. 

Okay, off to finish a bag of frozen grapes (John and I have finished a giant bag of grapes in about 24 hours...I may love grapes as much as kale!). Have a great night, people!

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