Monday, April 23, 2012

New Week, New Outlook

Thanks to everyone for the kind words from last week's post. Can't say I wasn't slightly embarrassed to write about it, but it's honestly how I felt (and still do feel a bit) and I know I'm not the first, or last, runner to feel that way.

After hearing from some great people and taking a step back, I am feeling much better about the frustration and sadness I was feeling last week. I am realizing that it's okay if I don't do all of the races I have planned this year. I do plan to do my 12 hour race as I love that one too much to pass it up, but after that race, I'll see how I feel about doing my 100 miler. I don't want to attempt my first 100 miler while feeling any mental negativity. If that means I don't do my 100 miler I'm registered for, that's okay. Not going to lie, that's a huge step for me, but I have to honor all sides of me, not just my competitive side.
How beautiful is where I ran this weekend?!
I did, though, get in 58 miles this week, including a 31 miler back home. I did struggle with my long run like last weekend, but instead of freaking out, I just pushed through. I didn't think about what I'd rather be doing instead, but how beautiful the running path was and how very few people have done what I have done. I also got excited thinking about other things I'd like to try if I relaxed on the ultramarathoning, like joining a real gym and taking fun classes. Who knows what the future will hold!

What will be in the future for next week's post? A yummy recipe for some Cinnamon Maple Cashew Butter Chocolate Cups! I just finished my first batch and they turned out quite yummy. Can't wait to post the recipe next week.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great week this week!


  1. Love what you said about honoring all sides of you and not just the competitive one. And those cupcakes are making me hungry!

  2. Glad to see you're getting your mojo back, but if your heart is not into the 100, skipping it makes sense. Keep it fun!

    Where was the trail? I don't recognize it, and I'm always looking for new trails in greater Philly.

  3. David, sadly that path is back home in MD. It's the end of the Rock Creek Park Trail, which ends right near my mother's home. The path runs all the way to DC, but also connects to countless other trails that go all over the DC area.
