Monday, April 2, 2012

Great Race, Bad Run, and Bootcamp Recap

Wow, this week was filled with plenty of exercise. As there is now just less than 6 weeks until the Mind the Ducks 12 Hour Race, my training has really kicked into high gear. I ended up getting 53 miles this week, which included two runs on Wednesday to equal 15 miles and a 28.2 miler yesterday. I used a new route and ran from my apartment in Center City Philly to Conshochoken and back. I liked doing something new and it felt really cool to run to a different town, but the run wasn't a great one. I wore my heart rate monitor and found my heart rate too high for most of the run. My legs were also stiff for most of the run, but alas, the run got finished, which is a major accomplishment for how poorly I felt during most of it.
My route on Sunday. Can't lie, feels cool to see how far I ran.
A positive part of the weekend was that the AT&T Back on My Feet Halfway to Broad 5 miler occurred on Saturday and it went so well! I was on the race committee, focusing on the PR for the race, but for the race day, I was in charge of bag dop. Everything seemed to just go so perfectly, including the freezing rain holding off, and the racers all seemed to enjoy themselves. The BoMF team I run with, OBP, had a huge presence at the race, with a handful of people racing and a bunch of supporters on the sidelines. Couldn't be prouder to have been a part of a great race that supports an even greater organization.

My team before the race started. <3 OBP!
Finally, this past week as week 4 of Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp. This week had us doing the same exercises as week 3, but we were to do 4 sets in each superset instead of 3. I found myself being able to use heavier weights with a lot of the exercises, but things like pushups still were so tough for me. I am noticing that I am getting stronger, so I'm really happy with how things have been so far. Week 5 looks like it will be a doozy, so I'm excited for it!

Hope everyone else had great weekends. Anyone do anything fun or race this weekend?


  1. Nice weekly mileage! And way to push through with your long run. 28 miles is tough enough on it's own! I've always wanted to do that out-and-back to Conshohocken. Maybe I'll work up to it this summer before the Lone Ranger.

  2. It was a great race event, thanks for sharing this to us and looking forward always for more updates. Love those pics. Keep running ! Congratulations for a great job well done.
