Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I have been up to

Yes, I am alive. Sorry that I haven't blogged, but life has gotten in the way. I've written posts in my head, but with running, work being crazy busy, football coming back, and much more, I just haven't put fingertips to keys. So what have I been up to since I last blogged?

  • I ran a half marathon! I participated in the Rock 'N' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon, like I have the last 2 years. I don't feel like it was that special of a race, so I didn't write a race report. It would have gone, "I ran, then kept running, almost puked, but didn't, and then I finished with a slight PR." Yes, I PRed the race with a time of 1:43:32, but it wasn't that eventful of a race, hence no RR. 
Yeah, I don't take the best post-race photos
  • I signed up for my next 100 miler. *gulp* My favorite ultra runner, Jesse, and I have been talking about doing a 100 together. I saw that sign-ups for the Umstead 100 miler in Raleigh, NC were coming up and it is supposed to be a not so terribly tough race (for a 100 miler, that is). I will struggle since there are hills and this will be cake for Jesse, so knowing him, he'll probably win the whole dang thing. It's not until April 6th-7th of next year, but I am really excited since a handful of other ultra friends will be there, too.
  • I have been steadily training for the Marine Corps and Philadelphia marathons. Marine Corps is about 4.5 weeks away and Philly is about 7.5. Not going to lie, I am really ready to taper. I will only have done a 12 week training program prior to MCM, but I am ready to take a slight break. Trouble with that is I really need to train for previously mentioned 100 miler this winter, but I'm hoping maybe I can take it easy for a week or two after Philly, then focus on training.
  • I finished up RunToTheFinish's EatClean30 challenge. I stuck to it pretty well, although I did keep up the occasional drinking and some froyo. Whoops! I loved it and while I haven't kept it up like I was during the challenge, but I have been more thoughtful with my snacking and my eating. 
  • I have been soooo happy that football is back! My beloved Washington Redskins have looked a lot better than in previous years, but sadly are still 1-2. My friends and I go to the same bar every week and it's so fun. Fans of nearly every team are there, so it's awesome to root on my own team with other fans of the Skins. 
So that sums it up! I'm hoping to post more regularly, especially with marathon training wrapping up and races coming up! Hope you all have been well! 


  1. I ran Umstead back in March. I did the 50 mile option. The course is nice. The hills from 7-12 miles were tough. My legs didn't want to go anymore, but I made them. If your friend loves hills. He will love this course. :)

    1. Ack, I am so nervous for the hills! I need to get some more hill training in this fall. Glad to hear the course is nice, though!

  2. Ooh so exciting about Umstead! I was thinking of signing up as my first hundred, but I think April is too soon. I might actually look into he NYC 100 you did last year. Good luck with training and taper!

    1. Yeah, I am so nervous how soon it is! If TGNY 100 (what I did) is put on again, I would totally suggest it! The pounding of the pavement gets a bit tough and having crew get from place to place is hard, but it's such a cool race.

      Getting excited for JFK?!

  3. Rebecca, I'm also running Marine Corps and am sooo done training. Bring it on, cant imagine another few weeks of training will make any difference.

    1. Melanie, I know! So ready for training to be done, but alas, I always have a race on the horizon. The next few weeks will just solidify the great training you've been putting in. Good luck with it!
