Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Indulgent Celebratory Week

Hello hello hello! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was special and awesome, but highly indulgent. Let's start with the good, though, mk?

Last week's marathon training went well! I got in a nice HIIT workout on Tuesday, 8 on Wednesday, 7.88 on Thursday, 6 on Friday, and 15 on Saturday. I felt great throughout all of the miles and although I was short of my mileage goal by 2 miles, I am okay with it.
The second time we ever hung out. Can't believe this is 5+ years ago!
Also, that's totally a temporary tattoo lol. 
Why was I short by 2 miles? Well, this weekend was special because we celebrated two things: John turning 25 and our 5 year anniversary. What did this mean? This meant lots of celebrating and indulging. We had friends over Saturday night to celebrate the birthday boy. We ended up doing a Pub Golf game, which required a few too many drinks, which then led to late night pizza and a wicked hangover the Sunday AM. Then, per John's request, his birthday dinner was BBQ ribs, mac & cheese, baked beans, asparagus, and a Lemon Meringue Pie. Um, there's one thing on that list that's healthy and we had the least of that item.
Us at a PSP formal a few years back 
What does that mean for the EatClean30 challenge? Well, it just means I didn't have a 100% success rate, but that wasn't expected. I felt mentally and physically gross for having eaten that way, which I guess is a good sign that eating that way doesn't feel good. I did a good job yesterday of eating pretty cleanly and just have to remember that eating better makes me feel better and fuels my running better. Lesson learned!
My Pub Golf team...not all of us survived
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Anyone do anything fun or special? 

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