Sunday, March 13, 2011

Exciting Week

I haven't blogged in over a week and it's due to me actually being super busy with work and running. As I said, I went to NYC last weekend to go to a Major Lazer and Miike Snow concert. That was realllly fun, especially because I got to see Diplo, one of the DJs in Major Lazer. As a fellow Philadelphian, it was really awesome to finally see him after years of wanting to. One of my bffs, Meaghan, also came into the city for brunch on Sunday, which was awesome. I was very happy to see her, which rounded out the awesome weekend.
You can DJ for me any day, Diplo <3
The most exciting part of this last week? I started volunteering/running with Back on My Feet. Back on My Feet is an amazing charity and organization started by Anne Mahlum in Philadelphia in 2007. She used to run by a homeless shelter during her morning runs and became friends with the guys in the shelter. She knew how running gave her confidence, so she thought why couldn't running help the guys in the shelter? After they come run for enough time, BOMF helps them work towards driver's licences, GEDs, jobs, and eventually places to live. My 24 hour race is BOMF's largest event in the year. I feel passionately about what they do, so I have been loving finally volunteering with them. I get up early to run with some guys at a shelter near my apartment, as well as other volunteers. I have no problem being up at 5 am to run when I know it is with BOMF.
I will leave you all with the delicious dinner recipe I just cooked. I have been wanting to make these Baked Black Bean Taquitos for a few weeks now and I finally got around to doing so today. These taquitos with a side of sauteed kale made for a perfect dinner.
They were crispy and creamy without a fryer in sight, nor are they chock filled with chemicals like the ones you find at 7-11. John was hoping I'd throw some meat in there, but with none defrosted, beans it was. He really liked them and agreed they were great, even meat free. Yummmmmm. 

Okay, I am happily going to bed soon. With all the running I've done this week (43 miles, 20 of them today), my bed is calling me. Happy week, everyone!

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