Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fun weekends lead to race weeks

Hello lovely people! Did everyone have good weekends? I surely hope so! I had a fun weekend that included a birthday celebration for a friend, then driving back home to MD to visit family that was in town. My great uncle Bert was in town from Miami and he's such a hoot, I couldn't pass up visiting him. Look at how awesome he is! He's 87, too. What a badass.
He had no idea who Snoop Dogg was, but he still used the glass. Yes, that is a cup my mother owns...
I also baked! I clearly enjoy baking and when the BF, brother, and I got to MD Saturday afternoon, we had about 5 hours to kill before the fam was coming over. A normal person who has had plans and traveled every weekend for the past 6 weeks would have relaxed, but I just had to bake! I wanted to make something with lemon and when the BF suggested a lemon meringue pie, I quickly found a recipe online and made it (I didn't save the recipe or I'd link to it because it was divine!).
Not going to lie, this is probably one of the prettiest pies I've made.
With the fun weekend almost over, I've got a crazy and nerve-wracking week ahead! Although I've got some amazing things this week (seeing Allen Stone tomorrow night and going to a Phillies game Wednesday), I've got my 12 hour race in t-minus 6 days. Where has the time gone?! I am more at peace with where I am training-wise with this race and I am getting more excited about it, but I am starting to get a more semi-permanent case of butterflies in my stomach.

One thing I'm shortly going to do is create my running playlist. I will be listening to some podcasts during the race ("RadioLab" and "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" are favorites of mine), but I still need at least 10 hours of music to listen to. I've got some favorites that are always on my running playlist, but I've got to add some new songs to round out the list. If you've got any favorite songs to work out to, or just songs you love in general, I'd love to know!

Okay, happy Sunday, everyone! Have a great week and don't forget to let me know any sweet songs to put on my playlist.


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I run to Wait, wait also. I am frequently laughing out loud to Paula Poundstone while running by myself. Good luck this weekend, you'll do great!


    1. Melanie,

      The first time I did a long run listening to that podcast, I kept bursting out laughing and I got so many funny looks.

      Thanks for the well wishes! I'm hoping it'll be a fun race and that I can put in some decent miles!

