Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bootcamp and Miles Galore

Thankfully, it seems *knocking on every piece of wood in my apartment* my quad is getting back to normal. I've been good about rolling it out after exercises all this week and while I cannot say it is pain free, it is 90% back to normal. I'm hoping that will continue!

This week, I put the quad to the test a handful of ways. The main way was with Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp. I have been trying to incorporate more cross training into my workout routine and I thought this was a great way to do it! Tina sends out workouts every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and after Week One, I'm so glad I signed up. I will be doing 2 of the 3 total body workouts each week she sends (don't want to be too sore for my race training). The two workouts I did kicked my butt, but made me feel really strong.
I also had to create two personal goals and I did really well on both! I never eat before I head out for runs and while eating a lot would be a bad idea, I need to have a little something before I exercise. I also tasked myself to do core workouts 3 times this week. I've been really great about sticking to them and only forgot to eat once before a run.

Speaking of runs, I've been able to up my mileage from last week and got in 34 miles this week, including a 22 mile long run I just finished a few hours ago. While 34 miles a week isn't as many as I'd like with 9 weeks until my 12 hour race, I'm just happy to be back to running sans major quad pain.

Hope everyone had a great week and here's to more running without quad paid. :D

1 comment:

  1. Suze, thanks for the words of advice! I'm making sure to do workouts that don't just hit the core, but use the core through other movements. Just trying to strengthen it as I feel lower back pain during longer runs.

    Welcome to my blog, though! :D
