Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Well Hello Again

Right, I have a blog. I know I have been ignoring you, lovely blog, but I've been quite busy since my 100 miler.

A week after my 100, I had surgery to fix my severely deviated septum. No, that's not code for a nose job, but I did learn that one can fix a deviated septum sans nose job; don't let those celebrities fool you. I'm still currently recovering as my breathing isn't back to normal yet, but I haven't had as many headaches as I used to (reason for surgery). And no, I didn't take pictures of what I looked like directly post-surgery because my nose was super swollen and I looked like a Troll doll. 

A week after the surgery, I went up to Rhode Island with John for a wedding celebration for my best friend, Caitlin, and her husband, Barry. They were wed in Boston in February, but his family held a fun get together at their summer home. I had a lot of fun (although did not enjoy the 7 hours driving there and lucky that John did 95% of it!). I was worried I wouldn't be able to go due to my surgery, but I just kept taking my pain meds and I was able to attend.
John and me
Me with the lovely bride <3
Last weekend, I helped out some friends and ran a leg of their relay in 20in24. The last two years, I've run the 24 hour race, but with my 100 only 3 weeks before it, I knew it wouldn't be in the cards for me this year. It was nice to run the loop on a friend's team and I also loved being a volunteer. I wrangled John into volunteering with me (actually, it was his idea and I made sure we stuck to it!) and we had a fun time helping it. I know how much goes into such a huge event and it felt nice to give back a bit, especially since it is the biggest race for Back on My Feet.
This weekend, we are headed to Dover, DE for the Firefly Music Festival. I am really excited to see so many amazing bands and to be hanging out with friends, John, and family. Hope everyone else has had a great couple of weeks!

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