Thursday, July 7, 2011

Goals get me going

With my 24 hour ultramarathon coming in around 8.5 days, I've been musing a lot about a lot. Running such a big race makes you contemplate so much from simple things like, "What will I wear? What songs will go on my iPod" to bigger things like, "Why do I do this? What am I capable of? Can I reach places I feel aren't reachable?" Doing these races all started from a love of running, a need to challenge myself, and a need to coerce myself into exercising. To simplify it, I wanted to achieve something, so I created goals and worked towards them.

In the last couple of days, I've thought of some other goals I'd like to create for myself and I thought, "The month of July just (kind of) started. I'll set some July goals!" This blog is a way to express my thoughts, but it can also be a place to keep myself honest. By talking about my July goals here, I will be more likely to keep to them (I've got a bit of an ego, so I'd rather not bruise it).

Alrighty, so here are my goals:

  1. Track my eating: I've been doing so on an online website for the past week and I hope to keep it up! So far, just tracking it shows me how I've been eating and I've learned from it in just a few days. 
  2. Create a restaurant recipe at home: I have an idea of what I'm going to make and I'm very excited!
  3. Organize my apartment: As many people know, I'm quite a bit messy. I think that if I got better schemes to organize my apartment, I'd be cleaner. Can't wait to do this soon!
  4. Run more miles in my 24 hour race than last year: Okay, the race is coming soon and I have some goals. My high goal is 90 miles and my low goal is 76 miles. With my injury that happened after my 12 hour race, my goals are slightly lower that initially planned, but overall, I have to keep going for all 24 hours no matter what. 
  5. Use my slow cooker more: I actually started that goal today by roasting a whole chicken in it. So delicious! Can't wait to use it more. 
Five simple goals that should be easy to accomplish, but I will definitely have to work on it. I know I'm already a week into July, but that just means I have to work harder to make them happen. 

Anyone else have some goals they're setting for themselves this month? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Just found your blog via Runner's World. Loving reading it and it's great inspiration while I'm training for my first full. I'm addicted to my slow cooker! Look forward to hearing more about your training and your efforts in crock pottery!


  2. Melissa,

    Thanks for the kind words and welcome to my blog! Can't wait to read about your journey to your full!


  3. Whats this website you speak of for food tracking? :)

  4. It pretty much rocks. Let me know what you think, Maddie.
